The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA)’s School Zone Safety Assessment tool allows users to identify behavioural problems in a school zone. This data is crucial in helping decision-makers take the first step to improve the behavioural safety of a school zone.


Establish a team to track behaviours guided by the CAA School Zone Safety Assessment Tool at each location. You can assign each volunteer to a specific spot (i.e. front of school, west intersection, etc.) to make sure you track behaviours across the entire school zone.

Key places to monitor behaviour in a school zone include:

  • roads which students and parents commonly travel on
  • parking lots and other designated student drop-off zones
  • any other high traffic areas

You can track up to 28 different types of behaviour that you may witness when collecting data, as well as recording the type of offender – noting that the behaviour demonstrated by a particular vehicle type, a pedestrian, a cyclist etc. Adding an offender type allows you to record more granular data. This means for each behaviour tracked, you are required to input two pieces of information. Most users of the tool will start with a high-level assessment and track a few key behaviours. The first round of data may indicate certain problems, at which point users can go back and collect more granular data.

It is recommended that there are several volunteers to ensure you can cover as much ground as possible, especially during busy drop-off and pick-up times. The CAA School Zone Safety Assessment tool allows you to create unique accounts for each of your volunteers, so they can access the tool on their own device.

You can also create other unique user accounts, such as:

  • Organisation: this account type can be set up for schools or government; anyone who has an interest in seeing the data. This type of user only has access to the data and reports of an assessment. Passwords can be set to expire after a certain period, ensuring your data remains safe.
  • Location admin: if there is a school which is interested in their own assessment, but you cannot attend in person, the CAA School Zone Safety Assessment tool has a special account for them. The location admin allows the school to track behaviours and review reports, but they cannot edit the behaviour list or view data of other schools in your area.


To access the CAA School Zone Safety Assessment tool, you must first register an account. Click here to sign up. Once your account is set up and you have established your locations, it is time to collect data. Note: the tool requires access to an internet connection or Wi-Fi, as data is uploaded to your unique database in real-time.

The steps below describe how volunteers can use the platform:

  1. Login: go to your unique URL. The URL should look like this:[CLUB NAME]. Enter your username and password. Passwords are case sensitive.
  2. Select school: once logged in, click new session, choose the school you are assessing from the drop-down menu, and then click start session.
  3. Log behaviour: once you start a session you will see various tiles, each representing a different behaviour. These tiles can be grouped into categories to make it easier to find the behaviour you are looking for. Click on the corresponding tile each time you observe a particular behaviour. If you accidentally click on a tile, you can always click undo.
  4. Wrap up your assessment: once you are done your assessment, click Review, located at the bottom of your screen. Then click Save Session – volunteers will be taken to the main screen where they can click Log out. Administrators will be able to access the final report.
  5. Review data: individuals with location administrator access or higher can download the data to CSV or Excel for further analysis and sharing.


Case Study: Regina schools

Case Study: Annual safety campaign